Mayr: L'Armonia / Cantata Sopra La Morte Di Beethoven - CD
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Barkod: 0747313295821
, Katalog No: 8.557958 , Firma: Naxos
, Yayınlanma Tarihi:
12 Aralık 2006
Format Türü: CD, Format: 1 CD
<p>Born near Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Simon Mayr spent the greater part of his career in Bergamo, a flourishing cultural and economic centre in the early nineteenth century. An important figure in the promotion of Viennese classicism in Italy, he combined, in his own style, the legacy of Vienna with the dramatic and melodic genius of Italy, and held a dominant position in Italian opera before the emergence of Rossini. Mayr's <i>L'Armonia</i> was written in 1825 for a visit to Bergamo by the Emperor, followed in 1827 by his <i>Cantata for the Death of Beethoven</i>, a work which contains allusions to <i>Wellington's Victory</i>, the <i>Sixth Symphony</i>, the <i>Mass in C major</i> and the oratorio <i>Christus am Ölberg</i>, which Mayr had performed in 1826 in Bergamo.</p>Eser Listesi
- L'Armonia (1816)
- 1. Scene I: Chorus: Bell'Armonia risvegliati (Fair Harmony awake)
- 00:04:18
- 2. Scene I: Recitative: Ah si: rimira, avventurata gente (Ah yes, see, fortunate people) (Bass)
- 00:02:50
- 3. Scene I: Aria: Qual diletto inonda il petto (What delight fills our hearts) (Bass)
- 00:02:28
- 4. Scene I: Aria: La Patria gia sente il Nume presente (Our country feels the presence of God) (Bass, Chorus)
- 00:02:13
- 5. Scene I: Chorus: Qual'indegno! il seren di nostra pace (What an outrage! Does someone dare disturb our serenity?)
- 00:00:43
- 6. Scene II: Recitative: Popoli, amici!... (People, friends!...) (Bass, Chorus)
- 00:01:01
- 7. Scene II: Aria: A combatter ci chiama la tromba: de' timballi gia il suono rimbomba (The trumpet calls us to battle) (Tenor, Chorus)
- 00:06:57
- 8. Scene III: Chorus: Vittoria, Vittoria (Victory, Victory)
- 00:02:06
- 9. Scene III: Recitative: Ah si l'arpa si rechi: sulle dita scorre (Ah yes, take up your harp: the song of victory) (Soprano)
- 00:01:20
- 10. Scene III: Trio with Chorus: Rodolfo onor de' Cesari, invitto Eroe, dov'e? (Where is Rudolf, honour of emperors, undefeated hero?) (Soprano, Bass, Chorus, Tenor)
- 00:07:41
- 11. Scene III: Recitative: Qual solenne concento l'orecchio ne percuote? (What solemn harmony strikes our ears?) (Tenor, Chorus)
- 00:01:19
- 12. Scene III: Chorus: Scendi de' cantici, alma custode! (Descend from our songs guardian angel!)
- 00:02:23
- 13. Scene III: Recitative: Ecco il tempio: ecco l'ara (Here is the temple, here the altar) (Soprano, Tenor)
- 00:01:44
- 14. Scene III: Trio with Chorus: Tu, che del fulmine movi il potere (You who have power over the thunderbolt) (Soprano, Chorus)
- 00:03:17
- 15. Scene III: Recitative: Ma, qual portento e questo? (What omen is this?) (Soprano, Chorus)
- 00:00:31
- 16. Scene III: Trio with Chorus: Chi del cielo la voce comprende (He who understands the voice of heaven) (Soprano, Bass, Chorus)
- 00:01:36
- 17. Scene III: Finale: Trio with Chorus: Di bel contento l'etra risuoni (Let heaven resound with sweet contentment)
- 00:01:38
- Cantata for the death of Beethoven (1827)
- 18. Cantata sopra la morte di Beethoven (Cantata for the Death of Beethoven)
- 00:15:24
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